Space in our curriculum? by Lynne McClure, 27 January 2020 Join Lynne McClure as she discusses the Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms
A PISA work on mathematical literacy by Lynne McClure, 07 November 2019 Lynne McClure examines the recently-launched OECD Mathematics Literacy Framework and discusses how policy makers could – or should – respond to it
Mathepanics by Lynne McClure, 25 October 2018 Lynne McClure explores her experiences of Maths Anxiety in ordinary and academic situations
Problem-solving for policy by Lynne McClure, 23 March 2018 Lynne McClure considers GCSEs and their place in assessment policy in mathematics education.
Examining our own statistical literacy on results day by Darren Macey, 24 August 2017 Darren Macey advocates a measured view of data on GCSE results day.
The Smith Review and the Government's Response by Lynne McClure, 11 August 2017 Lynne McClure discusses the Smith Review of post-16 maths education and the government's response to it.
What exactly is a curriculum? by Ellen Jameson, 27 June 2017 Ellen Jameson explains how exploring different meanings of 'curriculum' is an important part of our framework design process
Malcolm Swan - in gratitude by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 23 May 2017 Lucy Rycroft-Smith and the team at Cambridge Mathematics reflect on the life and work of Malcolm Swan.
Paradise lost, paradox regained by Vinay Kathotia, 12 May 2017 Vinay Kathotia explores the powerful role of paradox in mathematics
The unreasonable man by Vinay Kathotia, 03 March 2017 Vinay Kathotia embraces the beauty of irrationality in mathematics