Creating simulation resources to teach probability, part 1 of 4 by Darren Macey, 29 July 2016 In the first of four parts, Darren Macey explains how to make a simple dice simulator in Excel.
Cavalieri’s Principle and how it could transform area and volume by Rachael Horsman, 21 July 2016 Rachael Horsman explores how shearing a pack of cards can help us to calculate area and volume.
The sixth sense: a sense of six? by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 19 July 2016 Lucy Rycroft-Smith asks whether number sense is innate - can babies do maths?
Birds of a feather tweet together by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 05 July 2016 Lucy Rycroft-Smith discusses Twitter. Twitter is all about connections, and so is maths. But for both you have to be open to them...
European fellowship by Lynne McClure, 28 June 2016 Lynne McClure blogs about mascil, a pan-European project bringing together 13 countries to share knowledge and promote 'mathematics and science for life!'
Good with digits – does the evidence point to using fingers for maths? by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 24 June 2016 Lucy Rycroft-Smith investigates the correlation between finger gnosia (ability to perceive or recognise one’s own fingers) and mathematical development.
Mathematical modelling by Lynne McClure, 23 May 2016 Lynne McClure and colleagues from the maths community looked at the place of mathematical modelling in the curriculum and, within that, the place of digital technology.
Hold your breadth and plunge into the depths? by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 25 April 2016 A recent article in the Telegraph has alleged that UK schoolchildren are falling behind in maths because lessons in the subject are "a mile wide and an inch deep".
Digital maths with Dr David Leigh-Lancaster by Lynne McClure, 18 December 2015 Dr David Leigh-Lancaster, the Maths Manager for Curriculum at the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) in Australia shares his insights into the Digital Curriculum and Computer Based Maths
Maths Tokyo style by Lynne McClure, 10 December 2015 The Director of Cambridge Mathematics, Lynne McClure, travelled to Japan to experience maths Tokyo style.