When does mean have meaning? by Darren Macey, 06 October 2017 Darren Macey encourages calculating mean values in statistically meaningful ways
Where in the world is a trapezoid a trapezium? by Rachael Horsman, 03 October 2017 Rachael Horsman ranges from Euclid to the internet while exploring the classification of quadrilaterals
Old Faithful in R by Darren Macey, 22 September 2017 Darren Macey uses a pre-installed data set within R for a fascinating classroom exploration of statistics
Seven questions with... Jennie Golding by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 15 September 2017 Dr Jennie Golding is the latest person to face our Seven Questions...
Talking Maths in Public by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 08 September 2017 Lucy Rycroft-Smith reflects on her attendance at the extremely valuable 'Talking Maths in Public' conference
Going around in circles by Rachael Horsman, 01 September 2017 Rachael Horsman examines the research on how students develop and understand the concept of angle
Examining our own statistical literacy on results day by Darren Macey, 24 August 2017 Darren Macey advocates a measured view of data on GCSE results day.
Using Excel to explore the variability of samples by Darren Macey, 18 August 2017 Darren Macey shows how Excel can help students experience the collection of data samples and explore their variability.
The Smith Review and the Government's Response by Lynne McClure, 11 August 2017 Lynne McClure discusses the Smith Review of post-16 maths education and the government's response to it.
Seven questions with... Prof Merrilyn Goos by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 07 August 2017 The latest mathematician to face Lucy Rycroft-Smith's Seven Questions is Merrilyn Goos, Professor of Education at the University of Queensland