To sleep, perchance to graph by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 18 December 2017 Lucy Rycroft-Smith analyses her own sleep patterns to explore representing data as graphs
Scope of enjoyment by Rachael Horsman, 08 December 2017 Explore the beauty and wonder of kaleidoscopes - and the maths behind them - with Rachael Horsman
Marking our words by Darren Macey, 01 December 2017 Darren Macey suggests a quick and easy way to help students develop statistical literacy
Notes from the educational drawing board by Lynne McClure, 24 November 2017 Lynne McClure reports on the team's recent attendance at the ISDDE annual conference in Berkeley, California.
Mathematical back stories by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 17 November 2017 Lucy Rycroft-Smith looks at the origins of some unusual mathematical words
Seven questions with... Eugenia Cheng by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 10 November 2017 Lucy Rycroft-Smith poses our seven questions to Dr Eugenia Cheng
Using Excel and R to simulate coin flipping by Darren Macey, 03 November 2017 Darren Macey shows how to create simulated data in Excel and then use R to analyse it
Intersections - mathematics and construction by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 20 October 2017 Bricklayer Ashley Mansfield talks to Lucy Rycroft-Smith about using maths in his professional life
Seven questions with... Katie Steckles by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, 13 October 2017 Mathematician and maths communicator Katie Steckles answers our seven questions