QUESTION 6: big picture maths
What should/could a ‘big picture’ of learning maths contain?
I was lucky enough to work with Anne Watson recently. We set ourselves the task of creating a ‘big picture’ of learning mathematics. We considered tables such as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and Khan Academy, tube maps such as Cambridge Mathematics Education Project (CMEP), other pictures such as trees with roots, trunk and branches, and finally settled on what seemed to be quite a messy network of connected post-it notes.
I’m now less interested in the model itself, but would like some input on what we could use to populate whichever model is decided upon – what would you write on those post it notes?
Processes? ‘Big’ ideas? Recurring themes? Mathematical subject content?
What should a ‘big picture’ of learning maths contain? I’d be very happy to hear of any innovative work on this.