29 November 2019
What does research suggest about effective ways to introduce fractions?
- Seeing fractions as a set of interrelated concepts encompassing both dividing and measuring may help students to understand them
- Considering fractions as abstract and composite ideas can help extend students’ understanding from natural numbers to real numbers
- Early understanding of fractions is supported by work in equipartitioning (fair sharing) which forms part of the idea of division and may help support counting development
- It is important to focus on one half as a key mathematical idea and to recognise that sharing in even quantities is usually found to be easier; circle models are particularly difficult
- The number line is a key representation for developing understanding of fractions, but multiple representations are important
- Exploring ideas of unitising (grouping) and norming (naming the reference unit) is an important part of understanding fractions
- Students should have opportunities to see fractions as relative amounts and as abstract ideas manifesting in different but equivalent ways
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