Coherence and connectedness
In a world where many countries, including the UK, have very high-stakes assessment how does this detract or contribute to the coherence and connectedness of their maths curriculums? How do we ensure that assessment embodies the spirit of the curriculum in a positive way?
Professor Andrew Noyes
Assessing mathematical connections in high stakes assessment Professor Andrew Noyes, Head of the School of Education, University of Nottingham
Professor Andrew Noyes - slides
Jane Jones
Making the most of low stakes assessments Jane Jones, former National Lead for Mathematics, Ofsted
Jane Jones - slides
Discussion and feedback
Delegates in the room, via video conference link and on Twitter were given the opportunity to discuss the question of 'How does assessment detract or contribute to the coherence and connectedness of the maths curriculum?'. The discussion continues on Twitter @CambridgeMaths #CambridgeMaths2018.